
Football Techniques Book
5-a-side game with reduced spaces

5-a-side game with reduced spaces

A 5-a-side game with reduced spaces is an excellent training tool for a football team. This post details the benefits and setup of this training [...]

Kickabout with possession – Run the clock

Kickabout with possession – Run the clock

This post describes a simple kickabout game to keep your training fun while you focus on maintaining possession.

High-intensity pressing drill – Defending when outnumbered

High-intensity pressing drill – Defending when outnumbered

This post introduces a fun variation to the traditional rondo, a high-intensity pressing drill to encourage a quick ball recovery.

Midfield possession drill – Control every game

Midfield possession drill – Control every game

In modern football, controlling the midfield wins games. This post details a midfield possession drill that will help your team control games.

Passing combinations with finishing: la trenza

Passing combinations with finishing: la trenza

La trenza is made up of challenging passing combinations. This post describes a variation involving a goalkeeper to keep it fun.

Tic Tac Toe football – Warm-up drill

Tic Tac Toe football – Warm-up drill

This post describes a fun tic tac toe football game that will warm up your team while practising some basic skills with the ball.

First touch drill – Great warmup for games and training

First touch drill – Great warmup for games and training

Mastering the first touch is crucial for any player. This post describes a first touch drill to use as warmup for games or training.

Break the defensive line and shoot

Break the defensive line and shoot

This drill will help your attack to break the defensive line to outnumber the opposition goalkeeper and score.

Football pressing drill – Press and cover

Football pressing drill – Press and cover

This post describes a football pressing drill that will help your defence to press in an organised manner.