Defending one on one attacks

Defending one on one attacks
Football Techniques Book

Defending one one the defender is in disadvantage over the attacker. However, using the right technique, defenders can increase their chances to stop an attack.

The list below includes some tips to keep in mind when defending:

  • Stay always on your feet. Slide tackles are the last resort.
  • Always focus on the ball. Attackers often fake movements with their body, but the ball stays still. A fake-out is an opportunity for the defender to take the ball. 
  • Guide the attacker to a specific area. For example, if you are close to the sideline, position your body between the attacker and the sideline.
  • Stand sideways. This helps you taking the ball without losing stability and pivoting on your feet at ease.
  • Push your body against the attacker and the ball as soon as you can. You will recoup the ball and have no obstructions to pass the ball or quickly accelerate in counter-attack.
  • Do not wait for the attacker, move towards them but at moderate speed. Waiting for too long provides momentum and space for the offensive player. Rushing into them creates inertia that will make difficult a sudden stop or could even result in foul play.  

The following video shows in detail the techniques discussed above.

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Pablo Matamoros

I am a software engineer with 25+ years of experience across diverse industries. I've climbed the corporate leader over the years, which has some benefits but means I moved away from my love for tinkering with technology. So, I build the odd website or application to keep learning and stay in touch with technology. FootballTechniques allows me to combine my programming knowledge with my passion for football.

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